Made with love

7:26 PM

With the wedding only fifteen days away, I've been thinking a lot about the engagement & wedding planning process amidst all of the craziness. And even though it may seem too soon to start giving out tips to other brides-to-be, I am confident that I have one that all brides should keep in mind. Besides the most important (and at times most difficult) reminder to enjoy being engaged and wedding planning, at this point I believe the second most important thing to remember is to share it. 

Brandon made me this cute little sign for Christmas this year
Glad to see my craftiness rubbing off on him ;)

At the beginning of wedding planning, I was set on doing nearly everything myself. If I could have found a way to plant my own flowers to use I would have. (I was am pretty psycho when it comes to this stuff). I had been looking forward to planning my wedding for pretty much forever, so when the time came, I got a little too excited, and this insane-control-freak beast came erupting out of me. It took me a bit, but after realizing how much work a wedding of nearly 300 guests takes, I had no choice but to ask for help from anyone who I could get it from! Now I've realized that it's all of the people involved in my big day that are what make this incredible day even more special.

I may just be lucky when it comes to wedding vendors, but I have a lot of special people in my life providing some big things & some sweet little details for the wedding. 

My whole vision came together with the help of a family friend with an insane mind for decor design, so all of the little details from the popcorn bar with its apple baskets to the tree stump "altar" came to be with her generous help. And she gave me a good reference to a floral designer... Her daughter! With the flowers being the main element of the decor, it has made everything so much less stressful and way more fun having someone so talented & sweet to help me.

Our photographer is a dear friend who I met through my church at school and who led a bible study for some college aged girls in our church group. So not only do we have an extremely talented photographer, but we have one who knows our personality & style and isn't afraid to make suggestions.

One of our engagement photos from our amazing photographer
Check her out at MK Loeffler Photography

The cake and cupcakes are being made with deliciousness & crazy Buhs family love by my mom's cousins who recently opened a bakery. The tree stumps for the "altar" are from where I grew up camping with my family. My garter is being made by my dad's cousin. Small details like the shutters to hold the place cards are from the house Brandon & I just bought. Crafting sessions with my mom & Brandon have been a weekly occurrence since I came back from Spain. Even my dad has helped with some of the more intimidating projects like carving our tree stump cake stand. And now that some of my bridesmaids are back from school, it's been fun having them help me make a few things (over margaritas of course).

And I do have to give Brandon a special shout out for being the greatest groom ever. He has been so patient with me through everything and done way more than most grooms normally do, I'm sure. It's been so much fun planning every detail and making them all with him.

My papa bear working on the tree stump cake stand
This is one of my favorite little details of the wedding!

You may not have a loved one providing every service for the big day, but the ones who do & the ones who help with the little things will make that part of the day so much more special. Maybe I'm just super sentimental, but having so many things made with love for my wedding has been my favorite part of planning. So whether you have a whole squad helping you with every single detail or just a few close family & friends helping plan the basics, soak up this fun time with them! And always let them know how much you appreciate them working to make your special day one of the best days of your life.


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