Granada, tierra soñada por mi

10:33 PM

I remember the first day of my art history class, my opera loving professor had us sing those words over and over again. For my English friends, it translates to "Granada, land I've been dreaming of," and is the opening to the song "Granada." Ever since that day, I had that song in my head as I did everything in Granada. There is something so special about Granada. I am not a city girl at all, but I loved my time living there so much. It's crazy and bittersweet that I'm sitting in my own bed in America right now.

It's amazing to reflect on myself and how I've changed during my time there. Looking back on the scared girl getting off of the plane in Madrid to the woman I am now, not afraid of wandering around just to get a little lost in new places, I see so much more independence and fire in myself. And although there were times when I did get a little lost, literally and figuratively, I truly feel like I did what God brought me there to do. I immersed myself in the culture, broadened my view of the world, and although I have become more independent, I see that I am nothing when I am alone.  

Thank you so much to my family and friends in Spain who made this experience all that it was for me. Thank you for pushing me to do things outside of my comfort zone and for being completely crazy with me. I could go on forever about how much I love all of you and all of the insane things we did together, but words just can't do our bond and amazing semester together justice. You all mean so much to me, and I wouldn't want to have shared this experience with anyone else. 


It's so sappy, but I can't thank you all enough for making this experience one that I will never forget. And to my family and friends at home, especially my loving and supportive fiancé, I could not have made it through without you! And of course, the big man upstairs. He has blessed me beyond belief with something that makes saying goodbye so hard both in Spain and at home. My semester abroad was truly the experience of a lifetime, and I will forever treasure the friendships and memories I've made in Granada.

No es adios, es hasta luego.


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